Under 18 and worried about online sexual abuse? To report, click to visit the CEOP Safety Centre.
Are you being Bullied?
If you’re being bullied and would like to talk to someone in confidence right now you can speak to Childline on 0800 1111 or talk to them online – no worry is too big or too small.
Online Safety
Online Safety Information Webinar
The 2025 Online Information Presentation to coincide with Safer Internet Day 2025 was on Tuesday 25th February.
This year the focus was 'To Good to be True'
If you would like to access this informative presentation, please email: info@hollyhouse.derbyshire.sch.uk and a link will be provided through Microsoft Teams
We ensure the safety of pupil online at Holly House School by supporting pupils to use ICT responsibly. Pupils are taught about online safety as part of the PHSE and RSE curriculum. Pupils are expected to use technology safely, respectfully and responsibly and we ensure they have range of ways to report their concerns if they ever feel worried or unsafe.
Holly House School monitoring the websites visited by pupils to ensure they comply with our acceptable use of the internet policy. We are able to restrict access to inappropriate internet site through our filtering and monitoring systems.
The school's governing board ensures that the ICT systems within the Holly House Special School are compliant with the DfE filtering and monitoring standards.
The Head Teacher and Designated Safeguarding Lead work closely with our ICT Manager to ensure our systems are kept up to date with regular reviews of the effectiveness of our systems.
You can find our on-line safety policy here
The digital environment can be very confusing for parents as the latest craze or social media platform seems to change all too often. We run on-line safety events for parents and can offer advice. If you have concerns for the on-line safety of your child, please contact school and ask to speak to a Safeguarding Lead: Telephone: 01246 450530.
Below are some guides that will provide help to support you keep your child safe on line and inclusdes a short film on the changes and new ofences that the 2023 Online safety act brought in.
10 Tips 2023 On-line Safety Act Sharing online Safer Gaming NSPCC Online safety Internetmatters - parent support
Holly House School follows govenment guidance (Feb 2024) on the use of mobile phones in school, you can read more here