Careers curriculum
Welcome to the Careers page at Holly House Special School. On this page there is key information for students, parents & carers, staff and other key stakeholders to understand the aims, vision, delivery approaches and impact of careers at Holly House Special School.
We work in partnership with parents/carers and other agencies to ensure that students are supported holistically in their development. We do this by the use of newsletters, parent/carer evenings, coffee mornings, school website, and whole school events, we share information about open days and careers fairs to help inform the decision-making process.
We inform parent/carers of opportunities which will enrich, enhance and add to the curriculum offered at Holly House Special School, including open days, activities and events. We remind our parents/carers that with the right support, many young people with SEND can find paid work and be supported to live independently and participate in leading a full and active role in their community.
- Holly House Special School Careers lead – Jaques Palmer –
- Member of Leadership Team responsible for Careers:
Crispin Barton - Deputy head teacher -
Intent statement: The intent of the school's career provision is to ensure that students have access to comprehensive and effective guidance, support, and resources that can help them make informed decisions about their future careers. The provision aims to prepare students for the world of work by equipping them with the skills, knowledge, and experiences they need to succeed in their desired fields.
Implementation statement: The school's career provision will be implemented through a variety of programs and initiatives that are designed to meet the unique needs and interests of each student. The provision will include one-on-one career counselling sessions using the support of IPT, group workshops and seminars, industry-specific mentoring programs, work experience and internship opportunities, and a range of career-related events and activities supported by D2N2. As a part of PSHE curriculum there is a unit during Spring Term titled ‘Dreams & Goals’ which covers aspects of careers. Please see the delivery overview below. Assessment is made as part of our ordinary PSHE framework alongside termly ‘Gatsby Benchmark’ reviews. The school will also partner with local businesses, organizations, and alumni to provide students with access to real-world industry insights, networking opportunities, and job shadowing experiences.
If you would like to see the opportunities which have been presented to the students at Holly House, please regularly check the newsletter.
Impact statement: The school's career provision can have a significant impact on students' future success by preparing them for the challenges and opportunities of the world of work. By providing students with access to comprehensive and effective career guidance and resources, the provision can help them make informed decisions about their future career paths, develop important skills and knowledge, and build valuable connections in their desired fields. Ultimately, the provision can contribute to students' personal and professional growth, helping them achieve their career aspirations and become successful, engaged members of their chosen industries. Additionally, the provision can have a positive impact on the wider community by fostering a culture of career readiness and professional development that benefits employers and the local economy.
We are always looking for businesses and professionals who can support in raising the profile and impact of the careers curriculum and the aspirations for pupils here at Holly House. If you feel you can support the school's career program in some way, please do not hesitate to contact the school and express an interest.
Subject Delivery Overview (linked to PSHE curriculum)
Please see below our latest impact Evaluation Toolkit and Careers Policy
Careers policy
Provider access policy
provider access policy jan 2025.pdf