Holly House School


English Curriculum Vision


At Holly House, English lies at the heart of all learning across the curriculum. We provide engaging and enjoyable opportunities for students to develop and practise their literacy skills: enabling them to successfully access their next steps in education. Planning flexibly, within the National Curriculum Framework, ensures that learning is personalised, progressive and has challenge. We strive for every student to leave us with the necessary skills to be good communicators and have a love of reading. 


English forms the basis for our development, relationships and our understanding of the world around us. The study of English is key to our personal growth and, through the development of effective written and spoken communication, it is the foundation for all our learning. At Holly House, we recognise that English is an integral part of our daily lives. Our aim is: 

  • that English is an essential part of every lesson, 
  • that students read for pleasure, enjoying a wide range of fiction and non-fiction texts which helps them to connect with the world around them, 
  • that students write clearly, fluently and accurately in plain English, showing flair and creativity, where appropriate, developing detailed ideas and adapting language to audience and purpose, 
  • that students use a wide range of appropriate and ambitious vocabulary, 
  • that in speaking, students articulate and express their ideas, views and opinions about a wide range of topics, clearly and confidently whilst respectfully listening to those of others.  


English lessons will be planned and taught using the National Curriculum as a framework. These lessons will be: 

  • accessible to all, 
  • differentiated and 
  • provide opportunities to catch-up on gaps in learning such at phonic intervention groups. 


We hope that our students will be engaged, motivated and enthusiastic learners who leave Holly House, to further their education, with a passion for English as they continue to grow and develop. 

English Overview of texts used in classes:


literature overview 2024 2025 adapted march 2025.pdf


hh writing progression map 1 9.pdf